Earnings Opportunities

There are so many ways to earn extra income using the BIGO Live streaming app. In addition to the regular earning potential you can earn by creating quality live streaming content, there’s also extra bonuses offered for signing up for the newest Auto Reward Power events currently being offered. There are 90% 80% 75% and 70% Auto Reward Power events which means you can earn additional money for the gifts you receive from your viewers.

In one example, if you earn 41,111 beans ($195.77) during the one-hour time block you sign up for, you will receive a bonus of 37,000 beans ($176.19) after rewards are paid out, within 1-3 weeks. This is an excellent opportunity to receive an additional bonus for just creating the content you already are, and all you have to do is sign up for the events using the links provided in our agency chat.

For more information on becoming an official BIGO Live streamer, apply on www.rsquaredtalent.com

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