Joining RSquared Talent

Beginning the On-Boarding Process

Are you ready to move forward with the onboarding process? If you haven’t already, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions page where a lot of the questions are already answered. If you still have additional questions, that’s ok! Just go back to our message conversation and ask them! If you try to “look ahead” or do this by yourself, you’re going to make a mistake and it’s going to cause us both problems down the road. Please just follow my lead and I promise if you do, you will be set up for success.

Here are the next steps for you to complete and you’ll be on your way to being an official host in no time. Please do not skip steps or do them out of order. (If something doesn’t work the way you expect it to, please let us know so we can try to help!)

Step 1: Download

Download the BIGO Live app from your phone’s app store by visiting If you’ve already used the BIGO Live platform in the past, as a host or as a user, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE APP, and please communicate with me so we can make special accommodations for you. If you are outside of the United States or Canada, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE APP, and please communicate with me. You will not be able to fake it or trick them, no matter how techsavy you are. Honesty is going to be a benchmark of our relationship, and if you’ve already downloaded the app before or if you’re on vacation in Belize, I just need you to tell me so we can make arrangements.

Auditions can not be scheduled if your account is over 12 days, so as soon as you create your account, the clock starts ticking. There is no second chances even with a new account. If you’ve ever had an account in the past, you’re going to fail the audition process, even if you never went live one time. Communication is key, so we can come up with solutions!

Step 2: Create Account

Create an account. For best results, use a gmail to create an account. If you want to create a brand new gmail account just for this journey, I would encourage that. They’re free and it makes signing in from different devices so much easier. You can use a phone number also, but make sure you keep your phone number safe, and make sure it’s not a phone number that’s already been used to create an account in the past. It’s also important to note, BIGO will never ask for your phone number in your BIGO stranger messages, so don’t ever give your number out, unless they’re trusted friends. We will talk about ways to keep your account and identity safe during the training process later on. Please also make sure you’re following the agency leader Cody80 at BIGO ID: codyrose because you’ll need this for the invitation.

Step 3: Audition

Once you’ve completed all of these steps, please follow and send a message to BIGO ID: codyrose on BIGO to let him know you’re ready to move forward in the interview process. After you’ve been invited to the interview management portal, you will need to upload a SPECIFIC 30-60 second video following these instructions VERY CAREFULLY:

  1. Broadcaster will receive the audition invitation via IM from the agency leader.
  2. Complete the Content and User Survey, which asks for your name, your BIGO ID number, and what do you expect to do during your live streams.
  3. Video Interview: Upload a 30-60 second video stating the current date and time, your BIGO ID, and the agency you are auditioning for (it’s pronounced R Squared ) and a brief description of what you plan to do on future live streams.
  4. The video might sound something like this. “Hi my name is Cody. Todays date and time is January 1, 2025 and it’s 9:30pm eastern. My BIGO ID is 845345998 and I’m auditioning for RSQUARED. In my lives I plan to socialize and engage with people and make them laugh. I like to teach people how to build bird houses, and I like to sing Ariana Grande songs while wearing a pasta strainer on my head. I hope you select me to become an official host.” For a video example of what an audition looks like, watch this video on YouTube.

It’s important to note, that you should be in a quiet, well lit area for this video and you should plan it out or practice it so that you don’t miss any of those items listed above. The video quality should be high and remember that you’re trying to impress the screener to accept you as an official live streamer. When you have completed the video upload, please return to your text messages and let us know that you have completed the upload and state your BIGO ID. Generally, results of the audition are given within 48-72 hours.

Step 4: While You Wait For the Audition Results

It’s important to note that your audition will automatically fail if any of the following conditions are true:

  1. Your account is over 15 days at the time of the audition review (that’s why we tell you to commit to the audition in the first 12 days)
  2. You are currently or have previously been a live streaming host on BIGO with another agency.
  3. Your account is over level 10 at the time of the audition review.
    (Until you get the pass / fail notification, you should not be going live or sending gifts to people. You CAN post pictures or videos to your profile and bar to generate attention for yourself.)
  4. You are not physically located in the USA / CA without the use of a VPN.
  5. Your video or audio quality is poor.
  6. Your video is inappropriate or has watermarks from another app.

Step 5: After The Audition Results

As soon as the results have been decided, you should get a message in your inbox with your results. We will also reach out to you via text to give you the results and to get you added to our agency communication chat. This welcome message will give you the next steps to make sure you’re prepared to start making money on the app. Keep an eye out in our communications for some training sessions to help you get acclaimed and to learn some of the basic rules. There’s also some strategy and business training courses available too. Ask questions! There is never a wrong question or a bad idea so don’t be afraid to come forward with it. This is what I love to do and I am here to help!

You’ll want to think about joining a family and making yourself a part of the community. Community is one of the most critical pieces to success in the BIGO universe. You can not be successful by yourself. While it is important to meet people and make friends to be successful, it’s important to meet the RIGHT people. We can guide you in the right direction to help introduce you to some people who can help you on this new adventure. Post pictures and videos to your profile to be seen. Watch some of the Livehouse broadcasters and interact with people from the comments. You’ll also want to create a Fan Badge as soon as you are able to as well. There’s a lot to learn, and you won’t learn it all in one day, so don’t get discouraged if everything seems confusing or overwhelming. That’s why we are here, to help point you in the right direction every step of the way.

How To Join A Family:

How To Create A Fan Badge:

Step 6: Communicate

If you have questions or problems or concerns or anything else that is on your mind, please always reach out to me. Text message is fine during the audition phase, but once you’ve passed your audition, I need for you to communicate with us using the agency chat. In there, we have a staff that is trained to help and we have other broadcasters who have experienced the same things you’re going through. They can help you, but only if they can see your message in the group.

Step 7: Have Fun and Make Money

That’s why we’re here after all! Don’t treat this like a job, because it’s not a job. As long as you’re having fun, and being social and active, there’s really no good reason why the money won’t follow suit. Most everybody who puts in the time and effort earns some kind of return from this, and even though it’s not always going to be easy, that doesn’t mean it can’t always be fun! Here are some added bonuses that are offered from time to time. Make sure you’re going live and posting content often.

  1. Fans Bonus – Earn $40 for every 1000 new fans you earn (up to 5000 fans / mo.)
  2. Hours Incentive – Earn a $100 bonus for streaming at least 50 hours.
  3. New Host Challenges – Earn $75 – $500 for completing active host events.
  4. Short Video Contests – Post on-theme videos to earn between $20 – $50 per qualifying video
  5. Video Views Bonuses – Earn bonuses for every 200 views on your qualifying videos.
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