FAQ: How Can I Get Out Of My Agency Or Switch Agencies?

If you’re looking to leave your current agency or switch to a different one on BIGO Live, understanding the process is crucial. RSquared Talent offers expert guidance through this transition, ensuring a smooth and informed switch.

Based on the Host Inactive Policy updated on May 5, 2023, there are specific rules for Plan A and Plan B hosts regarding broadcasting hours, beans received, and account activity:

  1. Plan A Hosts: A Plan A host broadcasting less than 20 hours in their first full month may be subject to removal from the Signed Host Program.
  2. Plan B Hosts: For Plan B hosts, streaming less than five hours for three consecutive months can lead to their release from the program. New Plan B hosts have a six-month grace period (including the New Host and Extra Innings Program Periods) before these rules apply.
  3. Voluntary Release and Negotiation: If you’re looking to expedite your agency switch and not wait for the inactivity policy to take effect, RSquared Talent can negotiate a voluntary release with your current agency for an additional cost. This process involves your current agency leader using their AGENCY UID and AGENCY PIN for the release.
  4. Plan B Returning Hosts: Hosts removed from the program can rejoin after a re-audition and are free to choose any agency, barring existing exclusive agreements.
  5. Violation of Community Guidelines: Non-compliance with Community Guidelines can result in removal from the program.

With RSquared Talent, you’re not just navigating a change; you’re gaining a partner who can handle negotiations and ensure a smooth transition, respecting all policies and terms of BIGO Live. Our experienced team is here to make your switch as seamless and efficient as possible.

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